Installation of printed circuit boards

At, we specialize in high-quality printed circuit board assembly (PCB assembly) services. With a team of experienced individuals dedicated to PCB assembly and electronics development for over twenty years, we offer comprehensive solutions to meet your needs.

Our skilled workforce, advanced technologies, and state-of-the-art facilities enable us to deliver fast turnaround times without compromising on quality. We pride ourselves on meeting even the most demanding customer requirements, making us the preferred choice for PCB assembly.

Our PCB assembly process covers the entire production cycle, starting from PCB preparation and manufacturing to component sourcing, continuous quality monitoring, and final product assembly. Whether you require complete PCB assembly services or specific manufacturing operations, we have got you covered.

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Our range of services includes:

Pre-production stages

Setting up components



Mechanical and other work

Serial mounting of BGA and µBGA, replacement and repair of BGA.

Would you like to consult? Call +420 603 477 901